Prof. Samuel Wanji (Ph.D)
University of Buea, Faculty of science, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology;
P.O.Box 63, Buea, Cameroon.
Tel: 694727715

Samuel Wanji is a professor in public health, Parasitology and Vector Biology in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Science, University of Buea, Cameroon. He is the head of Department and the Head of the Parasite and Vector Biology Research Unit (PAVBRU). He is also the Executive Director of the Research Foundation in Tropical Diseases and Environment, Buea. He carried out basic and applied research with focus on Neglected Tropical with a special interest in research uptake.


Our team has been involved in research that extends towards the elimination of NTDs. By tackling some of the most NTDs of public health interest such as filariasis and podoconiosis. We carry out relevant research activities that can lead to Policy change, for this, the research uptake is at the heart of ouractivities. Recently, we demonstrated using both field and laboratory oriented research, that the test ICT, and its new generation FTS test, that have been used for more than a decade to map Lymphatic Filariasis in several places of the world, is irrelevant in Central African region, because it cross reacts with Loa loa, another filarial species. We have initiated research to trace the molecular basis of the cross reactivity. These observations call for the development of new diagnosis test to remap LF from Central African region that may eventually contribute for shrinking the current LF map to the benefit of endemic countries that may not need to unnecessary spend their meagre resources to treat the population against Lymphatic Filariasis. We recently demonstrated through integrated mapping that Lymphodema found in Cameroon is essentially of non-filarial origin (Podoconiosis) and we intend to set up a Podoconiosis lymphedema Morbidity management centre in endemic health districts. We are at the far front of exploring through research the alternative strategies for the acceleration of the elimination of Onchocerciasis in areas endemic or not of L. loa. This involves, Testing for O. volvulus and treating those who are microfilariae

carriers with anti-Wolbachia, and applying Themephos (larvicide) in breeding sites for the reduction of Simulium larvae population. This integrated approach will surely accelerate the reaching of the transmission breakpoint. Our Unit in Collaboration with Prof. Achim group in Bonn, have initiated a comprehensive research package on Mansonella perstans, a very neglected filariasis that seems to be a major player in immunomodulation with implications to the immune responses to other co-endemic pathogens and success of vaccination in children

4. List of most recent publications

1. Wanji S, Kengne-Ouafo JA, Datchoua-Poutcheu FR, Njouendou AJ, Tayong DB, Sofeu-Feugaing DD, et al. Detecting and staging podoconiosis cases in North West Cameroon: positive predictive value of clinical screening of patients by community health workers and researchers. BMC public health. 2016;16 1:997.

2. Kengne-Ouafo JA, Millard JD, Nji TM, Tantoh WF, Nyoh DN, Tendongfor N, et al. Understanding of research, genetics and genetic research in a rapid ethical assessment in north west Cameroon. International health. 2015;8 3:197-203.

3. Deribe K, Wanji S, Shafi O, Muheki Tukahebwa E, Umulisa I, Davey G. Measuring elimination of podoconiosis, endemicity classifications, case definition and targets: an international Delphi exercise. International health. 2015;7 5:306-16.

4. Deribe K, Wanji S, Shafi O, Tukahebwa EM, Umulisa I, Molyneux DH, et al. The feasibility of eliminating podoconiosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2015;93 10:712-8.

5. Kengne-Ouafo JA, Nji TM, Tantoh WF, Nyoh DN, Tendongfor N, Enyong PA, et al. Perceptions of consent, permission structures and approaches to the community: a rapid ethical assessment performed in North West Cameroon. BMC Public Health. 2014;14 1:1026.

6. Davey G, Bockarie M, Wanji S, Addiss D, Fuller C, Fox L, et al. Launch of the international podoconiosis initiative. The Lancet. 2012;379 9820:1004.

7. Davey G. Recent advances in podoconiosis. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 2009;103 5:377-82.

8. Wanji S, Tendongfor N, Esum M, Che J, Mand S, Tanga Mbi C, et al. Elephantiasis of non-filarial origin (podoconiosis) in the highlands of north–western Cameroon. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 2008;102 6:529-40.


Staff and Students

2 Peter Enyong (Ph.D), Co-Investigator,  677754101,

3 Mathias Esum(Ph.D), Post Doc 1,  677683471,

4 Jerome Fru (Ph.D), Post Doc 2,  679033846,

5 Njouendou Abdel (MSc), Research Officer,  677239346

6 Ndongmo Patrick Field Manager MSc 696666334

7 Bonekeh Yiyih John Assistant Field Manager BSc 677578405

8 Djikeussi K. Tatiana Clinical Manager Medical Doctor, Ministry of Public health 655190562

9 Vofo Brice Assistant Clinical Trial Manager Medical Doctor, 674295139

10 Maureen Tembei Data Manager MPH 679394599

11 Punjom Njefi yves Medical Doctor Clinical 1 Medical Doctor, Director of Bafut District Hospital 675079280

12 Fozao Afou Adolph Medical Doctor Clinical 2 Medical Doctor, District medical officer 677802159

13 Kah Emmanuel Deputy Data Manager MPH 675284514

14 Nji Theobald Social Scientist 1 MSc 677530257

15 Nnamdi Dum Buo Social Scientist 2 BSc 674009396

16 Gallus Ebua Social Scientist 3 BSc 677293053

17 Bombey Majorie Mungsu Health Education officer BSc, Education 678673469

18 Teghen Samuel Nurse 1(LE-Management) BSc, Nursing 677916995

19 Mbankuh Japheth Nurse 2(LE-Management) State registered Nurse 67500068

20 Anyen Patience Mukum Nurse 3(LE-Management) State registered Nurse 674220876 662504790

21 Bah Hilda Nurse 4(LE-Management) State registered Nurse

22 Glory Ngongeh Lab Technician 1 BMLS 679900360

23 Valerine Chunda Lab Technician 2 BMLS 670204510

24 Abong Raphael Lab Technician 3 BMLS 674609504

25 Mbiatong Tchatat Nancielle Master student 1 BSc 674180719

26 Nkimbeng Desmond Master student 2 BSc 679914711

27 Kien Anizette PhD student 1 MSc 678930613

28 Andrew Amuam PhD student 1 MSc 676213565

29 Ndzeshang Bertrand PhD student 2 MSc 674404717

30 Gordon Nchanji PhD student 3 MSc 674963531

31 Martin Aba Aleh Administrative Assistant 1 BSc 674809358

32 Rosaline Enanga Administrative Assistant 2 BSc 680679446

33 Ebwea Mbappe Jacques Project Liaison Officer MSc, International relation 6699138249

34 Fanny Fri Fombad Logistic officer MSc 675091659

35 Enome Ekonde Accountant BSc 679713083

36 Munang Ivans Chia Financial Assistant BSc 674681281

37 Njiki Autance, Assistant Accountant B.Tech 677682760

38 Nkembang Napoleon, Driver, 1 674924282

39 Kombou Paul, Driver 2, 675437080

40 Blasius Mbakoh, Driver 3, 674664113